Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions.
If you don't find what you're looking for, please contact us.
General Service Information
Who must notify Call Before You Dig?
Anyone using power or mechanized equipment who disturbs the earth on or below the surface must call the clearinghouse for a location request.
If I am hand digging, am I required to notify CBYD?
No, however, it makes good sense. Utility lines and cables can be easily broken or damaged with a spade, shovel, fence post digger or pic.
If I hire someone to excavate, do I have to notify CBYD?
The excavator actually doing the digging is responsible for calling CBYD and obtaining a location request.
How many days is my location request good for?
Thirty (30) days from the day notice is provided, not the start date of the excavation. The ticket expiration date can also be found on the confirmation sheet emailed to you. Remember to allow two full working days for renewed tickets. Renew the ticket before the expiration to not lose any work days.
What is Call Before You Dig?
Call Before You Dig is the not-for-profit clearinghouse which serves as the communication link between excavators and the utilities. This service enables excavators to obtain information on the location of underground utility pipes and cables in the area of the proposed work site. This knowledge will help protect the excavators from harm and the facilities from damage. We notify participating utility companies of your planned excavation. Then, these utilities (or their contract locating companies) respond to the excavator and determine the location of their underground facilities and whether they are in conflict with the proposed work site.
When do you need a private utility locator?
Anyone planning on digging should call a private utility locator to have any non-public utility lines identified. Especially if you are unfamiliar with the dig site location. It is a good idea to contact a private utility locator in conjunction with 811 to ensure that your work site is properly assessed to avoid injury, damaging property and costly repairs. Private underground utility locators will identify lines that member public utility companies do not own or mark through the Call Before You Dig process. Such lines can include (but are not limited to) sewer lines, irrigation, secondary electric lines, pool lines, septic, propane lines, or any other privately installed facilities. For a list of private utility locators, see Private Locators - Call Before You Dig Connecticut (cbyd.com)
What holiday closings does the CBYD call center observe?
The CBYD call center is closed, but our after-hours answering service accepts Emergency requests only over the phone on the following holidays:
CBYD Holiday Closings |
2025 |
Jan 1st - New Years Day (Wednesday) |
Jan 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Monday) |
Feb 17th - President's Day (Monday) |
Apr 18th - Good Friday (Friday) |
May 26th - Memorial Day (Monday) |
Jun 19th - Juneteenth (Thursday) |
July 4th - Independence Day (Friday) |
Sept 1st - Labor Day (Monday) |
Oct 13th - Indigenous People's Day (Monday) |
Nov 11th - Veterans Day (Tuesday) |
Nov 27th & 28th - Thanksgiving (Thursday & Friday) |
Dec 25th - Christmas Day (Thursday) |
Keep in mind, even when the call center is closed, you can still enter a routine or emergency E-Ticket online, anytime!
How much notice is required for a Routine request?
A minimum of two full working days advanced notice is required. Excluding day of call, weekends and observed holidays.
What is an Emergency ticket?
Emergency situations require an emergency CBYD ticket. As the excavator, only you can determine if your excavation is an emergency. An emergency is: a situation involving danger to life, health, or property, interrupting the operation of a major industrial plant, or disrupting the continuity of public utility service. Sec 16-345-4(a)2. Once you submit your emergency ticket online or over the phone, the excavator or responsible party is required to notify all utilties listed on the ticket directly. Sec. 16-345-4(a)B.
Account Settings
Can I edit my account details?
Yes, click the Account link after logging into Call Before You Dig. Once you have made your changes be sure to click the "Update" button.
E-Ticket Process
What if I cannot find the location I am looking for?
Have you tried the other search options available in the search type drop down? (Street,Intersection,XY)? Street search is for a location with a numerical address (Ex. 2040 Whitney Ave Hamden). Intersection search is used for a dig location without a numerical address. (Ex. Skiff St and Whitney Ave Hamden). XY search is great for rural locations, and is a precise way to locate your dig site (Ex. 41.37259, -72.90599). You can also try entering your address in an adjacent Town, in case the location is close to the municipal boundary. If your town is part of another larger town, try using the main town name instead. For example, try using Southington instead of Plantsville or Greenwich instead of Riverside or Cos Cob.
As a last resort, you can contact the Call Center and an operator will try to assist you.
Which drawing tool should I use?
When you perform a search the map will be automatically positioned with a cross hair (blue circle) at the location we have found. You will need to draw your site on the map to accurately describe the area you are working in. As a guide the drawing tools provide: • Line – Allows you to select a narrow area or trench that could extend for a long distance. • Area (Polygon) – Allows you to describe a broad area ensuring that your entire work site is covered. • Circle – Useful for works at intersections or to describe pole replacements – for example. Important; when using the drawing tools, follow the instructions on the map to help you understand how they work. Remember to double click to finish drawing.
Is there a limit to the size of a ticket which I can submit?
Yes, the size of a ticket is limited for each specific drawing tool as follows: • Line – max 2500 feet • Area - max 6253826ft² • Circle - min 100ft –to max 2500ft
I have submitted a ticket, what should I do now?
Details of your ticket and your contact information will be passed onto all Utility Owners/Members who are protected by Call Before You Dig. You will see which utilities these are on your ticket confirmation sheet. Important: Do not start work until you have markings at your job site or have received a response from all Utility Owners.
Can I change or cancel an existing ticket?
Once you submit your ticket the information is automatically processed and passed onto our Utility Owners/Members. If you wish to cancel your ticket, you may do so by logging into your E-ticket account and utilizing the Cancel ticket Action.
What is the Ticket Confirmation used for?
The Ticket Confirmation is your record of the Utility Owners/Members who have had their facilities searched against your ticket details. A Request has been sent to each Utility Owner with your contact details. When you receive correspondence back from the Utility Owners you should tick them off the list. It is very important that you make sure you receive information from all Utility Owners/Members on the list provided before commencing any work.
I have not received my Ticket Confirmation sheet, what do I do?
You can have the Ticket Confirmation re-emailed to you, go to the Home screen and click on the History button. Perform a search for your ticket and click the Resend PDF button. This will result in the same Ticket Confirmation being emailed back to you. Always check your Junk email box; you may need to change these settings. Check your account details to ensure the correct email address was provided.
How can I get help using the e-Ticket system?
Online Help is available throughout the service. Simply click on the question marks in each section. If you still require assistance please email or call us about your query.
What if I have not received a response from a utility by my start date?
If you have not received a response from a utility by your start date or if you have questions about a response or marking, please contact the phone number provided on your confirmation checklist for that utility. Be sure to log into your E-ticket account and check PositiveResponse, as some utilities may have sent responses electronically through our system.
Always verify the utility responses and markings prior to excavation.
E-Ticket History
Can I renew old Tickets?
Yes, any ticket that was submitted within the last 30 days can be renewed. Find the ticket via the History button; open the ticket by clicking on the ticket. This will open the ticket summary. On the top-right corner of the screen, there is a button "ACTIONS". Click "Renew Ticket" from that menu and fill in any required information (job start, etc...) NOTE: There is a button "Continue Job", this button is not how to RENEW a ticket. This is a different ticket feature. To learn more about "Continue Job" button, see the FAQ about it.
Can I view a history of all my tickets?
To view a list of previous inquiries, log on to the online ticket service and from the Home screen click on the History button. This will allow you to search for specific inquiries.
Registration and Password Settings
How do I register to use Call Before You Dig?
Click the New User? Register here link from the Call Before You Dig Homepage. Once you have submitted your contact details you will receive an email with further instructions on how to access the service.
How do I validate my email address?
Once you have registered you will automatically be sent an email from the service with instructions on how to validate your email address. The email contains a link that will confirm to the service that you have received the email. Once you validate your email address you can access the service immediately.
Can I use the service if I do not validate my email address?
You cannot use the e-Ticket service if you do not validate your email address. Call Before You Dig needs to confirm that you have a valid email address so we may send you your Ticket Confirmations via email. Utility Owners are provided with your email address so they can respond to your ticket directly. If you are a contractor and do not have a personal email address use a general email address for the business.
How do I login to the Call Before You Dig e-Ticket system?
On the Call Before You Dig Homepage, click E-TICKET on the left side menu OR E-Ticket Login from the banner at the top of the page. Then, you can enter your username and password to gain access to the service.
I have forgotten my password, how can I retrieve it?
Passwords can be reset using the Forgotten Password link at the top of this page. Simply type in your Username and Email address then click on Send. Your password will be reset and the details will be emailed to you.
Can I change my password?
Yes, Login to the application, Click the "Account" button and you will be presented with your details. Ensure you click the "Update" button once you have made your changes.
I previously used a contractor number to call in my tickets, can I still use this number?
No, the newly updated e-ticket service no longer uses Contractor ID numbers. When calling into the center for a ticket, please provide your Customer or Caller ID number. This number can be found in your account validation email OR in your account profile when you log into the service. Providing your ID number helps us find your account more efficiently.
System/Computing Requirements
What Internet Browsers does the e-Ticket system support?
Microsoft Edge Firefox version 10 and above Apple Safari version 5 and above Google Chrome version 15 and above Call Before You Dig E-Ticket system does NOT support Internet Explorer, please consider moving to another browser like , Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Do I have to use an email service?
Yes. A valid email address is required to logon to the Call Before You Dig e-Ticket system.
Do I have to be connected to the Internet?
Yes. The device you are using (Mobile, Tablet or Desktop) will need to be connected to the Internet via a Broadband or mobile 4G service.
Do I need a particular screen resolution on my PC?
Yes. The services are best viewed on a minimum screen resolution of 1024x768.