At the beginning of each year Call Before You Dig analyzes the data from the E-Ticket system as well as the incident reporting software, DamageAccess. The data collected enables us to highlight trends, identify usage patterns and recognize positive outcomes for Damage Prevention in the state. This information helps us to continually improve 811 education for utilities, contractors and anyone else digging around underground facilities. Read on for more details and 2019 takeaways.
2019 Total 811 Locate Requests = 234,105
- 218,119 Routine; 15,986 Emergency
- 187,909 Web Locate Requests; 46,186 Phone Requests
- 10,000 New Users Added to the CBYD811 System
2019 Total Utility Notifications = 1,268,001
- Avg. # of Utilities Notified Per Locate Request = 5
Key Takeaways for Connecticut Damage Prevention Stakeholders
- More awareness of 811 and utilizing CBYD811 in CT has helped reduce the number and need for emergency locates. 93% of 811 inquiries were routine/planned locates vs. 7% emergency locates.
- 2018 vs. 2019 locate requests remained steady as well as the average number of utilities notified (averaging 5 per locate)--a ratio that has been reduced since we implemented our more precise mapping function and web-based 811 eTicket entry option in 2016. This streamlined notification and mapping capability has saved time and resources for stakeholders needed to mark out their facilities.
- 80% of 811 inquiries were done via web/mobile vs. 20% via phone. Since we implemented our web-based entry system for locates, CBYD has seen a steady preference for ticket entry via the web vs. calling in their locate request. What’s more, this entry method increases accuracy on ticket data for the excavation site, increasing safety and damage prevention state-wide. Our call staff is always available for support if any questions arise during online ticket entry.
2019 stats on reported utility damages for Connecticut will be added here once we have them in. Check back at the end of February. We will also post an announcement on social media.
Be sure to follow us @CBYD811 on Twitter and Facebook and at Call Before You Dig on LinkedIn for the latest news, CBYD811 system updates and tips.