
Call Before You Dig − System Enhancement!
By Stephen Rieben
Manager, Call Before You Dig and President, PelicanCorp One Call, Inc.

Call Before You Dig (CBYD) is migrating to a new technology platform in January 2016! The enhanced system focuses on web use and the Electronic Ticketing “E−Ticket” process. Although there will always be customer service representatives available to take 811 or 800−922−4455 phone calls, the preferred contact method to CBYD will be via our website, A concerted effort will be made to push all business to the internet where every CBYD function will be available.

Features of the new system include, in part: 1) a wholly re−engineered E−Ticket format, 2) a mobile web-version, available through any browser on iPhone, tablet or other device, 3) a Map−Centric focus that allows maps of each excavation area to be drawn and transmitted as part of the ticket, 4) a “Confirmation” message that is emailed to the excavator for documentation of their mark out request and, 5) embraces Cloud technology for system integrity, dependability and ease of Disaster Recovery and archiving functions.

The new, easier than ever E−Ticket process allows for self−registration. Just like ordering goods from Amazon, performing on−line banking, or doing any other on−line function, you’ll be able to set up your account and manage your own username and password. When you register, you can create settings that pre−populate the answers to many of the questions asked about your impending excavation. This makes subsequent E−Tickets that much quicker and easier to complete.

Once registered, a new screen will allow either the creation of a new ticket, or research of previous tickets processed. When creating a new ticket, you’ll notice drop down boxes that make it quicker and easier to detail the type of work being performed. The new format also displays a map of the excavation area and requires the user to draw the intended dig site. Drawing tools allow the drawing of lines, circles, and polygons to ensure that the entire work zone is covered.
Each ticket will be limited to no more than 1,000 feet in distance.

To research a previous ticket processed, you can search by ticket number, location, date, etc. Once you find the ticket, there are options to print or renew the ticket, or resend the “Ticket Confirmation” notice. What’s a Ticket Confirmation notice? Read on!

A feature of the new system is a “Ticket Confirmation” that will be sent to everyone that requests a CBYD ticket. This confirmation email will serve as documentation of the request and will include the ticket number, dig site information, the map drawing and the names and contact numbers of each utility notified of the dig. To appreciate this benefit, every excavator must have or obtain an email address. CBYD guarantees that they will use your email address solely for the communication of CBYD ticketing information and will treat it as proprietary information.

There are many other enhancements and features included in the new system that you will be hearing about and be able to experience very soon. Shortly, there will be concise YouTube videos accessible on the CBYD website. These videos will explain the new E−Ticketing procedures and train you to use the new ticket format. There will be a Frequently Asked Questions page that you can access to further aid you and there will be staff at the call center to assist you in a Help Desk capacity.

Without question, these improvements will provide a better service to our users and will increase the effectiveness of Connecticut’s damage prevention program. We hope that you share our excitement for the new CBYD system coming in the New Year!